DAYTON, Ohio – Donors are melting hearts – and hopefully not melting the chocolates – at the Dayton CBC “Give The Love” Blood Drive.

It’s St. Valentine’s weekend, and that is usually enough reason to share good feelings towards others, especially by donating the Gift of Life.  This year the holiday comes with the complications of COVID, plus harsh winter weather that has cancelled high school blood drives and threatens to cause more problems.

Everyone who registers to donate Friday and Saturday at the Dayton CBC gets a six-piece box of assorted Esther Price chocolates, plus the “Team Donor” t-shirt and the “Fight. Heal. Give.” face mask.

“Team Donor” focuses on how the traditional challenges of January Blood Donor Awareness Month are continuing into the “Donor Year” of 2021.  CBC challenges everyone able to make three donations in 2021.

The “FIGHT. HEAL. GIVE.” campaign asks those who have recovered from COVID-19 to consider donating COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma for coronavirus patients who can benefit from this effective treatment.

Dayton donor Marilyn Bumpus came to the “Give The Love” blood drive with her sister, a convalescent plasma donor. “I love chocolates!” she said. “I can take some to share with my clients at Grace Works.”

“I like chocolates and my kids like them,” said Yellow Springs donor Jyoti Miller. “They’re getting a little bonus!”

Does Tipp City donor Amber Ruby like chocolates? “Yea!” she said. “Has anybody told you no yet?”

Actually, yes. Monroe Fire Department firefighter Jacob Zeckser skips chocolate. For Jacob “Give the Love” was a chance to make his first lifetime donation after missing the opportunity when he worked for the Beavercreek Fire Department during the “Battle of the Badges” Blood Drive.

Sidney donor Tom Faulkner made his milestone 25th lifetime donation. He also celebrated his “Triple Crown” year as a type O-negative donor for making at least three donations in 2020.

Megan Prion is a senior at Bellbrook High School who likes chocolate. But it would be far sweeter if the pandemic situation abates in time for an in-person graduation ceremony in the spring.

“We were going back and forth with online and in-person classes, and we’re full in-person now,” she said. “They’re talking about an outdoor graduation, but we don’t know.”

When asked if he likes chocolate, Centerville donor Chris Wagner said, “Most people do!” But togetherness is even better. His weekend St. Valentine’s celebrations will include, “spending time with my wife.”

A family St. Valentine’s celebration began Friday at the blood drive for Springfield’s Millie Jefferson and her daughter Tiffanie Jones. “This is the second time we’ve donated together,” said Mille. “We’re making a lunch date out of it. Next time we’ll make it three generations!”

An example about what it means to “Give The Love” came from State Sen. Steve Huffman, the ER physician from Tipp City who sponsored legislation for Ohio’s January Blood Donor Awareness Month. 

“My twins celebrated their 23rd birthdays two days ago,” said Steve after making his 74th lifetime donation. Will and Allison were preemies born at 28 weeks. “I donated directly for Will when he was in neonatal intensive care,” recalled Steve.

This year was a rare birthday spent apart. Both are in medical school with Will at the University of Pennsylvania and Allison at Ohio State.

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